Vote yes for I-1033

I’m a huge supporter of Initiative 1033 and here’s why: as a single mom, I work hard to make ends meet. Each year I open my property tax bill with knots in my stomach asking, “Will I be able to save enough to pay it this year?” If taxes keep going up and up, I will lose the home where my boys grew up. Property taxes are $400 per month, the sales tax is 9.5 percent, 3.6 percent tax for garbage collection, 2.14 percent tax for the PUD, and 54.4 cents tax for every gallon of gas, just to name a few. I can’t keep paying more and more to the government. Cities, counties and the state need to ask our permission at the ballot box to take more of our money. That’s required by I-1033 and that’s why I support it. Elected officials seem compelled to tax us for everything, but they need to learn moderation. Do this single mom a favor and vote Yes for I-1033!

Jeanie D. McCombs, Kirkland