Vigil for Peace in Kirkland | Letter

Many individuals from across faith communities stood together with neighbors on Monday afternoon in downtown Kirkland in an interfaith Vigil for Peace.

Many individuals from across faith communities stood together with neighbors on Monday afternoon in downtown Kirkland in an interfaith Vigil for Peace. In a world that is rocked by recent and continuing news of killings – of police, people of color (Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, and so many more), as well as scores of school children in Pakistan – our hearts are broken in sadness and grief. Taking the simple action of standing together for peace was a visible public statement that people are willing to set aside differences to help bring an end to this madness.

This vigil was planned weeks ago to coincide with the darkest days of the year when many religious traditions renew their stories of the return or birth of light and peace. The vigil’s sole agenda was peace. Our hope and prayer is that people from all walks in life come together, begin to listen to one another, and work toward building a more just and compassionate world. In this holiday season, we are once again reminded that the rewards of loving thy neighbor are much greater than the tragedy of violence. May all families everywhere find peace.

Rev. Marian Stewart, Kirkland