UN: The rate of global warming has slowed since 1998 | Letter

In rebuttal to Mark Vossler's earnest letter, that admonishes us not to make fun of climate change, I would point out that the latest report from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change acknowledges: "The rate of global warming has slowed since 1998, with the average global surface temperature staying steady in the first decade of the 21st century."

In rebuttal to Mark Vossler’s earnest letter, that admonishes us not to make fun of climate change, I would point out that the latest report from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change acknowledges: “The rate of global warming has slowed since 1998, with the average global surface temperature staying steady in the first decade of the 21st century.”

The fact that none of the much-vaunted climate models didn’t predict this is probably the same reason why weather forecasting is so difficult to get right.

The ‘inconvenient truth’ of the flattening of temperature growth will of course be denied or explained away by those who believe – really believe – that the climate is rapidly changing, in cataclysmic ways, and that it’s all our fault. Here, here, for having the courage to spoof their love/hate relationship with petroleum in a cartoon.

Roger Clarke-Johnson, Kirkland