Thank you Kirkland angels for donating to those in need | Letter

The food box distribution site in the south part of Kirkland was new to the Kirkland Nourishing Network and to the families we were stretching to support.

To the dear Kirkland angels,

The food box distribution site in the south part of Kirkland was new to the Kirkland Nourishing Network and to the families we were stretching to support. The morning arrival of food boxes was overwhelming, but patience and understanding made it all work. Unexpected donors arrived and many brought much more than was on the shopping list.

School counselors coordinated pick up of the food boxes with the identified families. Size of families determined the number of boxes they would receive for the 16-day break from school. Late in the afternoon, there were still some families that had not arrived. Confirmation calls were made.

A family walked in as the rain arrived and the sun went down. They gave their name and a volunteer showed them the boxes of food that had been set aside for them. They had come on the bus, because they don’t own a car. They were going to get their food as they normally go to the grocery story – with their three cloth shopping bags. You see, they have to walk quite a way to the store.

We quickly loaded up my car with the family still awed by the amount of food they were receiving. On the way to their apartment, I learned that the father works 40 hours per week, but at a humble job – limited because of the accidental loss of sight in one eye some years ago. I learned that the mother works part-time and they are very proud of their son’s progress at school.

All of our neighbors don’t have the same experiences that we do. They don’t have the same hard-earned advantages that many of us enjoy, but we depend on the services they provide in our community. They are needed parts of our town. We want them to be successful. The children in these families are the next generation of our community and we have chosen to help them thrive.

Today, you have given tremendous help to scores of needy families – the largest food drive that we have ever attempted. You provided more than 4.5 tons of love that will go a long way supporting our neighbors.

Thank you, every one!

Bless you for the help and hope you have provided this holiday season.

Kirkland Nourishing Network