Tax payer voting for Valderrama | Letter

As a tax payer, I’m voting for Ramiro Valderrama for State Representative.

When I opened my mail the other day, I found this huge campaign mailer featuring five local politicians urging me to again re-elect two other politicians – Larry Springer and Roger Goodman. Politicians supporting politicians, not a big surprise.

Now as a tax payer, I look at elections differently than those politicians. Frankly, I’d vote to replace both these longtime spenders with new leaders like Ramiro Valderrama who has proven that he listens to real people, not just other politicians, that he works with all sides to seek solutions, and that he demands efficiency and accountability from government. Valderrama also understands that tax payers don’t want the Democrats proposed State Income Tax, we want real value for all the taxes we already pay.

But say you’re undecided. You’re not sure if you want to vote for politicians who’ve been sitting in Olympia for over a decade each or fresh leaders with new energy, politicians who listen to politicians or leaders who listen to you and your neighbors. Split the difference. Vote for Ramiro Valderrama and you’ll still get one of each. You see, whether you vote for Larry Springer or not, he is returning to Olympia for two more years because he has no opponent. The politicians are guaranteed at least one person who works for them. Join me in voting for Ramiro Valderrama so you and I will have at least one person representing us.

Eric Rohrbach, Redmond