Support Kirkland’s Prop 1 | Letter

If the measure does not pass and when the pool at Juanita High School closes, I started to wonder about a few things.

If the measure does not pass and when the pool at Juanita High School closes, I started to wonder about a few things:

What happens to aquatics in general? Summers are short here so use of the outdoor pool is very limited and will not even come close to serving the needs. Many bemoan child obesity rates. We should be promoting safe, healthy activities in our community. How many swimmers have undergone concussion protocol?

What happens to the elderly and physically limited who need pool access? Can they afford a private club? Can they drive out of Kirkland to access other aquatics centers?

Why are so many distrustful of our local politicians? No, they aren’t perfect. But, business owners/corporate leaders aren’t either. As a business owner I can attest to making a few mistakes along the way. Let the pols govern. We elected them. Besides, there’s a citizen advisory committee to provide oversight, so the blank check argument really doesn’t fly.

Can we really hope a private entity fills the void? Even if one were to drop out of the sky that would serve the broad needs of the community, private clubs are exclusive by nature. City owned and run pools/community centers are not.

Support Prop 1.

Ryker Lammers, Kirkland