Stranger recognition

I’m happy that Mr. Mike Stanger has recognized me for what I am, a citizen activist who will not accept what our elected officials dole out as doctrine. Government is not made up of citizens. It’s made up of campaign promises that are meant to get votes. Once elected, they pursue their interest instead of those who elected them. Pursuing annexation is a good example. Annexation will be costly to the PAA and Kirkland citizens who will end up paying more for less. Our council was elected to represent us. They did not. They represented the special interest of some in the PAA, not all.

Kirkland citizens were not able to represent themselves. Their vote was denied. If they did, annexation would not be an issue.

As to why we keep electing them, I suggest they are the Paul’s in this world. Whoever robs Peter to pay Paul will get Paul’s vote every time. If the electorate would require individual responsibility, the vote would be different. Elected officials are creating a class of people dependent on government. Too many candidates want dependent people. If your name is Paul, no offense. We have too many Paul’s. orty seven percent of taxpayers pay no federal income tax. The potential for more Paul’s is frightening.

Yes, I would like to do away with elected the officials we have. We have a council that determines what issues we get to vote on or not. As acknowledged by several council members, they do not put anything on the ballot they expect to fail. Too many times they don’t want a vote that would usurp what they represent.

So much for my nonsense.

Robert L. Style, Kirkland