Sternoff hasn’t earned right to hold further public office in Kirkland | LETTER

In response to 14-year-old Rhys Brewer's recent letter. The facts about Councilman Bob Sternoff’s grossly inappropriate behaviors have been so well buried from the voters that an uninformed 14 year old has advised voters that this was a “victimless act."

In response to 14-year-old Rhys Brewer’s recent letter. The facts about Councilman Bob Sternoff’s grossly inappropriate behaviors have been so well buried from the voters that an uninformed 14 year old has advised voters that this was a “victimless act.”

Those who know about or have been affected by the facts below find this offensive. We do not expect that a 14 year old would know the facts. We also assume that most of Kirkland’s voters do not have access to the following:

1. A dozen people, relying on the Washington State Public Records Act (RCW 42.56) requested access to the relevant public records – Sternoff’s communications that were sent and received using the city’s network and that happened during council session times.

2. On Oct. 6, 2009 a claim for $750,000 in damages was filed against Kirkland on behalf of Mr. Sternoff’s girlfriend.

3. On Jan. 5, 2010 four individuals got a letter from Sternoff’s girlfriend’s attorney naming them likely parties to the threatened lawsuit for having asked for public information.

4. This incurred substantial legal costs despite only asking for public information – totally within their rights. One of the threatened people never even picked up or read the records! Another returned the information unread.

5. Sternoff’s and his girlfriend’s attorney have continued the claim and threatened lawsuit.

6. Mr. Sternoff’s behavior, explicitly described in the Oct. 2, 2009 Sherman Report, was never disciplined.

7. Observers viewed Mr. Sternoff’s public apology as insincere and sarcastic.

8. City council avoided internal conflict rather than disciplining inappropriate behavior.

9. The newly revised Kirkland Ethics Code still does not address the kind of behavior exhibited by Mr. Sternoff.

What is the problem with all this? Well, Sternoff wants to be re-elected, but his behavior is a national embarrassment to Kirkland and not the kind of leadership Kirkland voters should support. In my opinion, Sternoff has not earned the right to hold further public office.

Curtis Thompson, Kirkland