Sex offender cartoon advocates vigilante justice

This is one of the most reprehensible displays of journalism that I have ever saw. I, and several associates of mine have determined that should anyone in the sex offender population suffer repercussions from such a public advocation of vigilante justice, we feel that a lawsuit against you, Jeff Johnson, Kirkland Reporter and its parent company, are in order. We are also considering an application to the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington State to investigate your paper for advancing hate crimes.

Before someone suffers injury or death, I would strongly recommend that you retract any support of that offensive cartoon, advise people not to take the law into their own hands and to know that once a criminal has served the punishment deemed appropriate by the courts, that person can no longer be harassed, no matter your personal feelings about the crime.

I will closely monitor the situation surrounding this obvious display of hate crime.

Del Jackson, Ohio