Science fair needs support | Letter

The Central Sound Regional Science and Engineering Fair (CSRSEF) has been an annual event at Bellevue College for 10 years, serving high school students from King and Snohomish counties. It’s grown by 1,100% since the first year in 2010. Last year 279 students participated, making it the largest regional science fair in the state for high school students. Studies show about 80% of participating students go on to science and engineering careers. (In one year 40% were admitted to the University of Washington alone.)

In 2020, CSRSEF will no longer be sponsored by Bellevue College.

The fair is reorganizing under an independent nonprofit foundation dedicated to promoting STEM education. New sponsors are needed to continue the fair going forward. Costs include the facility (continuing at Bellevue College), lunch for volunteer judges, awards, printing and travel costs for students selected to attend the International Science and Engineering Fair (five this year, if we get enough community support).

“While our schools teach foundational knowledge, solving major world problems requires students to understand the practices of science. Our mission is to take learning beyond the classroom into the real world,” said new fair director Divyang Upadhyay. “We encourage students to experience the practices of working scientists and engineers through research and design, guided by teachers or mentors. We help teachers use project-based approaches to STEM learning so their students can understand the world around them, think independently and critically, and help to solve these global challenges.”

The next fair is scheduled for March 14. New donors and sponsors for the fair are needed. For more information contact A total of 100 judges with professional experience are needed for about four hours in the morning. Those interested should contact

Please help us advance the next generation of science and engineering leaders.

Gary Foss

CSRSEF board of directors