Sage for students | Letter

It doesn’t take extensive research to realize how incredibly qualified Cassandra Sage is for the Lake Washington School District board of directors.

It also doesn’t take a whole lot of investigation to realize how dedicated she is to making the Lake Washington School District the best it can be. You’d be hard pressed to find anyone with a greater amount of know-how and passion. Just have a five-minute conversation with Ms. Sage and you’ll see what I mean.

But Cassandra Sage is a truly exceptional candidate because of her investment and attention toward the students themselves. As a junior in high school myself, I can attest to this.

One example of such investment came when Ms. Sage visited a Junior State of America (a student-run civic education club) conference this spring. Ms. Sage came to learn about the extracurricular activities of student leaders, as well as speak to a crowd of teens from all over Washington state about our schools and what could be improved about them. But what struck me most was how Ms. Sage then took the time to talk with the students at the conference individually to find out what we liked about our schools and what we wished was different.

Ms. Sage listens and cares about the needs of students. She is laser focused on serving school communities and has a plan to do so. That is why I’m supporting Cassandra Sage for Lake Washington School District, No.3, and why you should too.

Sam Kehoe,
