Reader snookered by book ‘Infidel’

(In response to “Different picture of Koran” in the Jan. 27 issue of the Reporter). “Infidel” book author Ayaan Hirsi came from improbable circumstances in Somalia.

She somehow penned a “tell-all” on Islam that became miraculously a bestseller. The book was replete with female genital mutilation and female bondage. Female bondage, sadly, crops up in fundamental fringe of most religions – including Judaism and Evangelicalism. Moreover, female genital mutilation is not a Muslim but a limited African practice. No one in Saudi Arabia mutilates genitals.

Some will glom onto the book, “Infidel.” It is so perfect to confirm one’s inner disdain for that other religion.

However, be wary or be snookered. Ayaan Hirsi may have talent. Definitely, she had an early underwriter with an agenda. Ms. Hirsi enjoys today an improbable fellowship at the American Enterprise Institute, a pro-Israel leaning think tank.

Bill Alford, Kirkland