Please put dog poop bags in trash | Letter

The Instructions read: "Take a bag. No poop please. Use trash container."

Please allow me a brief rant.

The Instructions read: “Take a bag. No poop please. Use trash container.”

Our parks department has kindly installed self-service dispensers for plastic bags, which a citizen has even labeled “No Dog Poop” so dog-lovers can help others pick up after their dogs and keep our parks free of dog poop.

People, truly stupid people, are putting full bags of dog poop into these containers – right on top of the supply of clean bags.

Some containers (e.g., Heritage Park) are only inches from a trash can, yet people put dog poop in the “bag dispenser.” Who do they think empties these containers?

The program is great, but needs to be modified so dogs can explain it to their owners.

Chuck Pilcher, Kirkland