Need light rail, not more paving

It was with great disappointment that I read your recent article on Eastside Transportation Association’s position regarding the use of space on I-90 for light rail. I just can’t see the logic in this position. Apparently Senator Horn’s approach, “Nickel Package” isn’t doing much to alleviate the congestion problem.

ETAs support for “more efficient lane systems” has merit. Their support for “more lanes, more roads” makes no sense! Regardless of how many lanes are built and how many new roads are added the results will continue to be the same. The only way around this problem is to cap the number of vehicles registered in the Sound Area and or limit population growth, neither of which has any chance in this “land of the free.” More capacity over and above what is already built merely supports the status quo. Look at Los Angeles to see the folly in that approach. Portland has the right approach. They have created an extremely comprehensive and growing light rail system. I firmly believe such a system would accomplish more for our transportation needs then more paving. I don’t enjoy paying tolls any more than the next person but at least they aren’t a blanket tax. Only those making use of the road/bridge should pay for the privilege.

Chuck Bonin, Kirkland