Marijuana letter misinformed

Aah, another misinformed complaint about discussion of the cannabis (marijuana) issue in John Navroth's letter, "Rick Steves Marijuana Mission Not Worthwhile."

Aah, another misinformed complaint about discussion of the cannabis (marijuana) issue in John Navroth’s letter, “Rick Steves Marijuana Mission Not Worthwhile.” Personally I applaud Rick Steves’ stance and appreciate yet another intelligent and highly acceptable public personality taking a stand on what is truly an important and deservedly front page issue. Mr Navroth needs to keep in mind that here in the U.S. we arrest 99 people each and every hour, every day, for pot possession. Navroth also needs to understand that in countries (including many in Europe) with less punitive cannabis laws, pot use is much lower than here in the states.

Finally I must add that our cannabis laws are so disgustingly based on no science or medical fact and obscene racism that they deserve to be shunned and done away with. Lies (like those underlying pot’s prohibition) are not a good foundation for law and in fact are counter to the most basic principles of justice.

Allan Erickson, Eugene, Oreg.