LETTER | Controversy paints Triplett into corner

The controversy surrounding City Manager Kurt Triplett paints him into a corner that is completely unjustified for a very honorable person. He would have been fully within his rights to accept the housing relocation bonus he was offered and move to Kirkland.

The controversy surrounding City Manager Kurt Triplett paints him into a corner that is completely unjustified for a very honorable person. He would have been fully within his rights to accept the housing relocation bonus he was offered and move to Kirkland. However, in the spirit of the financial time, he declined and hoped the housing market would rebound. It did not. The money is being allocated to Mr. Triplett in a monthly payment. These facts seem to have completely been missed by the people who have been so outraged by the compensation package. Yes, we are in tough times. But who better to lead us out than such a competent and proven manager. Kirkland is very fortunate to have Mr. Triplett working on our behalf. He should be embraced with open arms for our good fortune.

Kathe Fowler, Kirkland