Kirkland residents are the dreamers and the doers | Letter

The Be Neighborly Kirkland Facebook Group is filled with movers, shakers and action-oriented people - the people who shape this community and the city of Kirkland. Thank you to all of you who take action.

The Be Neighborly Kirkland Facebook Group is filled with movers, shakers and action-oriented people – the people who shape this community and the city of Kirkland. Thank you to all of you who take action.

We had a plea to raise funds to outfit the Cow and Coyote statue [in downtown Kirkland] with a new Seahawks outfit since last one was stolen. Within just three hours we had raised the money needed to purchase not just one but two new uniforms. We decided the Sounders were so awesome they better have one too. In three hours this community showed us what kind of people they are – they are the dreamers and the doers. Be Neighborly Kirkland I adore you.

“Do or Do Not – there is no try.” – Yoda

With a smile,

Barbie Collins Young, Kirkland