Kirkland relay deserves coverage too | Letter

You did a good job of covering the 24-hour walkathon held in Redmond to raise funds for cancer research in your recent story.

You did a good job of covering the 24-hour walkathon held in Redmond to raise funds for cancer research in your recent story.

Why not provide similar coverage for the event that was held at Juanita High School here in Kirkland?

This was the second year Juanita hosted a 24-hour cancer walkathon in May. It may not have been as big as the Redmond event –  I believe there were 20 or so teams that took up the challenge of walking for 24 hours to raise money for cancer awareness and research. Such events are pretty common across the country.

They all are important, especially to those who walk on behalf of loved ones who they have lost to cancer, as well as to celebrate the victories of those who have beaten or are beating cancer now.

Please share your coverage to include such events that take place here in Kirkland as well as the surrounding communities.

Larry Conrad, Kirkland