Kirkland has a Planning Department problem | Letter

Kirkland city government has a big problem in the Planning Department.

Kirkland city government has a big problem in the Planning Department. The department continues to operate selectively issuing special favors to builders and individuals regardless of the city’s zoning code, rules and Comprehensive Plan.

Like Potala Village, Touchstone Corporation’s re-development plans for Parkplace received a multi-million dollar gift from our Planning Department by way of approval to construct 2,000 fewer spaces than required by city code. While Potala Village and Parkplace are the best known, these are not the only examples of the largesse of our Planning Director. No resident or business owner of Kirkland should feel that their investment is insulated from the subjective actions of his department.

By allowing the Planning Department to continue to operate as an unpredictable entity, the city of Kirkland will never move ahead to fulfill its potential. Smart home and business owners will avoid Kirkland in favor of municipalities where the codes and plans are taken seriously and applied consistently.

Cindy Smith, Kirkland