Kirkland didn’t forget Sept. 11


I would like to thank the people who put American flags throughout downtown Kirkland on Sept. 11. So many people seem to have forgotten about that day and I was happy to see that Kirkland didn’t forget.

Karen Eschbach, Kirkland

Trail would mitigate traffic

Mitigating traffic congestion, as well as improving citizens’ health and quality of life is becoming more of a concern to all of us. These goals can be achieved faster, for much less cost, and to the benefit of a greater number of citizens, than allocating public funds to the benefit of the narrow private interests of GNP. How? By developing a pedestrian and bicycle trail along the BNSF corridor. Light-rail transportation will inevitably come when it makes economic sense. It will replace some bus lines and will run on regular streets along existing bus lines. Meanwhile, BRT on dedicated HOV lanes would work best. Other more sensible and cheaper alternatives will materialize in the near future, such as the “Chinese Bus-over-cars.” Let’s be smart and do the right thing from the start.

Barbara Dailey, Kirkland