Kirkland City Councilman Bob Sternoff did violate laws | LETTER

Council candidate Toby Nixon recently wrote a letter, stating that "the investigation determined that Bob Sternoff didn’t violate any city or state laws.”

Council candidate Toby Nixon recently wrote a letter, stating that “the investigation determined that Bob Sternoff didn’t violate any city or state laws.”

In fact, the Sherman Report of Oct. 2, 2009, documented evidence of violations of three sets of city codes and state laws.

They are:

1. Use of public facilities for political activity;

2. 452 personal emails, over six council meetings, which violated prohibition of non-minimal personal use;

3. Seven emails expressing ill will and ridiculing citizens and other council members.

State law includes remedies that could refer these violations to a state or local prosecutors. Other city employees have been reprimanded and/or fined in similar instances.

The report recommends that the city determine the appropriate action with the enforcement used in previous cases.

The fact that the council voted 7-0 to not pursue any further action does not clear Mr. Sternoff of the documented violations. So claims that he broke no laws are untrue.

Mr. Sternoff’s contempt for those citizens (item 3) who come before the council to make comments or offer testimony should not be tolerated.

His language of “morons, f*%#&ing morons” and threats such as “I keep forgetting my gun” and “may I strangle her now?” are unacceptable from a public official sitting in an official capacity during a city council meeting.

Since the council has taken no action, we the voters should reject him for another term on council.

And for candidate Toby Nixon to defend his actions argues against his election as well.

Ken Albinger, Kirkland