Kirkland business merchants need more parking spaces | Letter

The letter about parking Nazis in the July 5 Kirkland Reporter brings to mind the letter in the

The letter about parking Nazis in the Reporter brings to mind a previous letter in May about the 11 Kirkland merchants who were going to such great lengths, offering discounts and free gifts, to “encourage consumers to think about downtown Kirkland when they are shopping.”

Is there some kind of a disconnect here? I think Mr. Drexler made it quite clear what he thinks about downtown Kirkland and, unfortunately for the merchants, most people would agree with him.

Perhaps the downtown Kirkland merchants should forget about the free gifts and drawings and focus their efforts on dealing with the lack of parking spaces and talking to city leaders about the rapacious and disrespectful treatment of their prospective customers by Kirkland’s “parking enforcement officers.”

Jane Peterson, Kirkland