Kirkland annexation: digging deeper

On annexation: Did you know that Kirkland originally covered only .88 square miles? There have been six annexations before this one and Kirkland now encompasses 10.42 square miles. I suspect that most of the folks unhappy about the PAA being annexed were annexed themselves. A clear case of “I got mine, you can’t have yours?"

On annexation: Did you know that Kirkland originally covered only .88 square miles? There have been six annexations before this one and Kirkland now encompasses 10.42 square miles. I suspect that most of the folks unhappy about the PAA being annexed were annexed themselves. A clear case of “I got mine, you can’t have yours?”

On Robert Style: I seem to recall that Mr. Style ran for office three times and did not hit the 40 percent mark in any one of them. On his anti-annexation campaign, he finally passed 40 percent, hitting 40.06 percent! I just know that whatever statements he makes, 60 percent of Kirkland residents disagree with.

We have been neighbors all along, now we are going to be fellow citizens. Let’s all try to get along and start looking for the good things and acknowledge them, in thoughts, conversations and letters to the editor. Let’s work with the City Council and let them know what we like and what we want, not just what we do not like.

John Mclean, The PAA now known as the CAA (Confirmed Annexation Area)