Keep Kirkland, Kirkland – support levy | Letter

From the beautiful waterfront parks, often referred to as a “string of pearls,” to the stunning nature parks, to the first class sports fields, to the series of family friendly neighborhood parks; we in Kirkland are very fortunate to have such a high quality park system.

If it’s one thing that Kirkland is known for, it’s our parks. From the beautiful waterfront parks, often referred to as a “string of pearls,” to the stunning nature parks, to the first class sports fields, to the series of family friendly neighborhood parks; we in Kirkland are very fortunate to have such a high quality park system.

All of this didn’t happen by accident. These parks are the result of the vision, dedication and leadership of the Kirkland community, City Council, Park Board and City staff.

Each of Kirkland’s parks has an inspiring story that demonstrates what happens when community leaders have a vision and community residents make a commitment of support.

A couple of examples. Given current land values, can you imagine how difficult it would be today to acquire land for a series of waterfront parks? Now that took vision. Or how about converting an old golf course into a world class nature park? Juanita Bay Park took courage!

These parks are the legacy left by earlier generations of the Kirkland community. We are the lucky beneficiaries.

To pay for this park system, much of the funding came from previous Park Bonds and Levies. By supporting these measures, Kirkland residents made a commitment to the present and the future. Another one of these Park Levies will be on the November ballot – Prop 2.

Now it’s our turn to carry forward this very important legacy. It’s our opportunity to continue the commitment of a high quality Kirkland park system for everyone to enjoy.

So, please join with me and so many of our neighbors in voting YES on Prop 2. After all, our parks go a long way to making Kirkland, Kirkland. Let’s keep it that way.

Dave Ramsay, former City Manager