I will vote no on MPD Prop 1, please join me | Letter

The only certainties about Prop. 1 are that your taxes will go up if it passes and you won’t be able to vote to make your taxes return to their current level, ever.

tl;dr (too long; didn’t read) version – visit http://no-kard.org/

The only certainties about Prop. 1 are that your taxes will go up if it passes and you won’t be able to vote to make your taxes return to their current level, ever. It’s highly unlikely that the MPD [Metropolitan Park District]/City Council will vote to cut off a revenue source once it’s established.

They’re asking for three times what they think they need and have left a provision to spend the money on non-ARC projects. This is a very bad idea.

I’m all for a community pool. We could replace the Juanita pool for $15 million, according to LWSD’s estimate. That’s a far cry from the $40-80 million estimated cost of the ARC.

I’d vote yes on a bond issue to replace the Juanita pool or convert the Peter Kirk pool to year-round use. It would cost far less and could be paid off in a fixed amount of time.

We already have plenty of gyms, yoga studios and meeting places available in and around Kirkland. It costs money to use them. It will cost money to use ARC facilities, too.

I’m going to resist the hard-sell tactics of “buy now!” and “it’s for the children” and the latest tug-at-your-heartstrings mailer. Please join me.

Andy Fox, Kirkland