Former councilman had pattern of unethical behavior | Letter

Congratulations for stepping out and stepping up with your article disclosing the unethical behavior and bullying tactics of former Councilman Bob Sternoff.

Congratulations for stepping out and stepping up with your article disclosing the unethical behavior and bullying tactics of former Councilman Bob Sternoff.

Sternoff’s behavior is a continuing pattern that he has perpetrated during his tenure on the council from his juvenile sexting of his girlfriend in a council meeting on a city computer to threatening a fellow council member numerous times.

Sternoff seemed to think he was untouchable, and indeed the city did seem to have a double standard in dealing with his behaviors versus that of other council members. Citizens should also rest assured that what has been disclosed is only the tip of the iceberg and there will continue to be more disclosures that will show his true character as the investigation continues.

It has also been disheartening to read the comments from the remaining council members making it sound as if this were some quirk or accident and not a pattern of unethical behavior.

It seems as if shame in Kirkland has gone the way of integrity, honor and responsibility. It remains to be seen if citizens have had enough and will demand that their representatives have integrity and ethics or if they will once again not bother to learn who is the best representative and just make an “x” by the nicest person.

Karen Tennyson, North Rose Hill