Explore volunteer opportunities in Kirkland | Letter

Kirkland thrives on programs and events that make heavy use of volunteers. We enjoy celebrations and events that could not exist without the work of volunteers.

Kirkland thrives on programs and events that make heavy use of volunteers. We enjoy celebrations and events that could not exist without the work of volunteers. Our children, our older adults, citizens going through hard times and neglected pets all depend on programs run by volunteers.

Too often these programs fall short of their goals because they don’t have enough people on board. People think about volunteering, but haven’t got around to finding a niche or don’t know where to start.

Viva Volunteers! From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on April 5 at Peter Kirk Community Center Viva Volunteers! will hold an event for those who want to pitch in. More than 20 volunteer programs will offer information about their opportunities for service and a chance to talk first-hand with people in the programs. There will also be a series of short sessions on informative and interesting topics, from identity theft to flower arranging. Free medical screenings and a cooking demonstration will be available all day. Light snacks will be provided and door prizes from local merchants will be awarded every half hour. Admission is free.

Dave Wagar, Kirkland