Encouraged by annexation meetings

As the issue of annexation works its way to the November ballot, I am impressed by the citize

As the issue of annexation works its way to the November ballot, I am impressed by the citizens’ response to the informational meetings. The two meetings that have been held so far have been very well attended. The city staff has provided a wealth of information.

I have also been impressed by the thoughtful nature of the questions from the audience. This is a complex issue that will affect all of the residents of the Potential Annexation Area (PAA). The city has provided staff from each department to answer the questions that are posed. In most cases the answer was readily available, when it wasn’t staff were willing to follow-up with each individual. I am very encouraged by the progress that has been made toward bringing the PAA and Kirkland together as one Kirkland. While the official timeline for this process shows it starting back in 2006, I have been advocating for annexation since 1988. Over 20 years ago my husband and I purchased a home that (to our surprise) turned out to be the only neighborhood south of NE 132nd Street and west of 132nd Avenue Ne that is not a part of the City of Kirkland.

I have always believed that the long term future of the PAA was to be a part of Kirkland. This is confirmed by King County’s declining service levels for the unincorporated areas. As we look to the future, I am sure that a unified city will be a stronger city for all of its residents.

Johanna Palmer, Kirkland