Elect Cyrus Habib to State Senate | Letter

This Tuesday, voters in the 48th District are fortunate to have the opportunity to elect Rep. Cyrus Habib to the State Senate.

This Tuesday, voters in the 48th District are fortunate to have the opportunity to elect Rep. Cyrus Habib to the State Senate. During his time in the Legislature, Cyrus has demonstrated a willingness to work with colleagues in both parties to get things done for his Eastside constituents. He authored the law that permits crowdfunding in Washington State, to facilitate access to capital for small businesses and startups. He has championed high standards and full funding for our public schools, so we can be less reliant on levies. And he has held the State accountable for delays and mistakes with the SR 520 bridge replacement project.

I consider myself an independent voter. In recent years I have supported both Republicans and Democrats, always choosing the candidate, not the party, who demonstrates a willingness to work hard, compromise to get things done, and place public service over personal ambition. That is why I support Cyrus, and it is probably why he has earned the endorsement of the Seattle Times, a majority of the Kirkland City Council, the mayors of Bellevue, Kirkland, Redmond and Medina, and dozens of elected officials and organizations across the political spectrum.

When he is not in Olympia, Cyrus practices law at a local firm, teaches at Seattle University, and helps raise money for Bellevue College, the Kindering Center, Hopelink and many other Eastside causes.

Join me in sending Cyrus back to Olympia for another term representing us in the Legislature.

Amy Hedin, Bellevue