Drive grandchildren to Snohomish to go swimming in the winter | Letter

I realize I'm a little late out of the gate on this topic since votes will be cast next week and the fate of the MPD/ARC [Metropolitan Park District and Aquatics, Recreation and Community center] will be decided. But I really need to make one comment.

I realize I’m a little late out of the gate on this topic since votes will be cast next week and the fate of the MPD/ARC [Metropolitan Park District and Aquatics, Recreation and Community center] will be decided. But I really need to make one comment.

We have very long, cold, dreary winters here and there are thousands of kids in the area that are cooped up in homes for the duration of that time. There are very few places around here that parents can take their kids to exhaust some pent up energy and have fun. I have grandchildren that I drive all the way to Snohomish to the aquatic center. It’s a wonderful facility and they absolutely love going there. That is a “long” way from Kirkland.

I would dare to say that the majority of people who are against the ARC are not people who have children. I understand that “you” don’t want to be saddled with extra taxes to maintain this facility, but please, remember this facility will serve the residents of this area long after you’re gone and you won’t be paying taxes at that point.

I hope this vote turns out to be a yes, for the pleasure and enjoyment of our kids so that this facility can serve generations to come.

Rusanne Brookes, Kirkland