Council’s behavior is shameful

What is going on with our current Kirkland City Council? Their behavior is shameful.

What is going on with our current Kirkland City Council? Their behavior is shameful.

An acting council member (Tom Hodgson) is allowed to sit up there and defame a private citizen when the citizen isn’t even there to defend himself. Not only that but his totally uncalled for speech is encouraged by our mayor. As far as I know the only thing Les Utley has done is try to be a good citizen and serve on a committee for the betterment of Kirkland. I think this council owes Mr. Utley an apology and I would like to say thank you Les.

The recent council meeting was as shameful if not more so, but at least the person was there to defend himself.

After making a full apology for using his city computer to email his fiancé (if you had to sit through those boring meetings wouldn’t you want some distraction?) our fine council members decided to spend $5,000 of our much needed money to investigate this. Why do we have a city attorney if not for this very reason. As far as I have ever heard, Robin is an excellent attorney. Thank you Mary-Alyce and Joan for being the voice of reason in all this. The two of you and Bob are my heroes.

This is not the Kirkland we moved to 13 years ago. It is getting to be more like the California we moved here to get away from.

It would really be nice if the council got back to business they were voted to do and that is to run this city, not spend council time trashing people.

Patty Tucker, Kirkland