Council should slow down on annexation vote

Annexation did not pass and now the City Council may step in and vote for it.

Last April, the City of Kirkland hosted a public hearing to discuss annexation of areas north of Kirkland. Of the citizens voicing their opinion, Proposed Annexation Area (PAA) residents favored annexation, but most Kirkland citizens did not. Their most common concern was the financial implications of the annexation.

When the council voted to put the annexation up for vote, we thought the decision would be up to the PAA (Kirkland citizens were not allowed to vote). Now, because of how the vote came in (it failed to receive the required 60 percent threshold), the decision to allow annexation may be up to our city council. Some council members seem to think that they need to finish what they started, against the wishes of the majority of Kirkland residents, and now want to override the decision made by PAA voters. This would be a huge mistake.

Who are they elected to represent? Kirkland citizens. Do you think the council knows what current Kirkland citizens think about annexation, eight months after that hearing, with a failed vote for a utility tax increase, higher unemployment, lower sales tax revenue and increased budgetary shortfalls? I don’t think they do, because they appear headed for a “yes” vote, full speed ahead. This issue deserves serious consideration in light of our economic crisis. Annexation is forever. This could be a costly mistake. Please council, take this issue out of the December crunch. Your citizens are entitled to be provided with complete updated financial information and the council needs to carefully consider the input of citizens. That cannot happen on Dec. 15, but it can take place in January after the financial projections are updated. It is also important that the new council vote on this issue since they are the ones who will need to live with the consequences.

I encourage current Kirkland citizens to contact our council members and voice your opinion on this issue. Since only PAA residents were allowed to vote, it’s time to let your opinion be known.

Kevin Carter, Houghton