Change desperately needed on council

We are long-time participants and observers in Kirkland’s political life. Throughout our activities in the public arena, we have learned that good judgment and civil behavior are necessary if we are to advance any cause. If we alienate and dehumanize people with whom we may disagree, then we create a fractured community, the very opposite of the kind of social organization that defines so much of what has made Kirkland great. We have viewed with growing dismay the current dysfunctional council. It is past time to restore Kirkland’s traditional reputation for civility and respectful discourse, especially on the council. It is apparent that Councilmember Hodgson’s illegal, rude, and disrespectful behavior disqualifies him from continuing as a council member. We are speaking of his actions in handing over confidential documents to counsel for the appellants in a case before the council last year, and in publicly berating a member of one of the city’s volunteer committees, while that person was not even present to defend himself. As a member of a legislative body, one must be able to work with all members of the greater Kirkland community. If a council member cannot do this, he or she quickly loses all credibility in the often complex process of guiding our city. The upcoming election offers us a chance to reclaim, for Kirkland, a government that operates in an inclusive and deliberative manner, so that all can participate in crafting balanced solutions to the challenges faced by an evolving city.

David and Anna Aubry, Kirkland