Argument for ramps at NE 132nd Street in Totem Lake neighborhood | Letter

When we purchased our home in Kingsgate I and II in 1970, I was a young married mother with a 4 year old and a new baby.

When we purchased our home in Kingsgate I and II in 1970, I was a young married mother with a 4 year old and a new baby. We almost did not buy here because it was so far out in the boonies. The freeway, I-405, was under construction but not completed out this far. That last few miles on the single-lane road (unfinished freeway) took some time to get home.

One of the real estate agent’s biggest selling points was that, when the freeway was completed, we would have freeway ramps at NE 132nd Street which was so very close to the home we were buying. Well, as you know, that did not happen. So now 44 years later that promise may come to pass and I feel honored to have lived long enough to see the promise of ramps at NE 132nd Street come true. Besides the absolute correct arguments about how badly these ramps are needed to keep up with Kirkland’s growth, don’t you think it is time that the promise that real estate agent made to me 44 years ago comes to pass?

That baby is now 44 years old and the little girl is age 48. When we moved here, Totem Lake was under construction, there was not a stoplight anywhere, and I went to work in Redmond past all the cows in the pastures. Now my address on Zillow is Kingsgate, Kirkland, WA and Totem Lake is a traffic stop on the local news. I love this area and so hope the legislature will come through with the monies needed for this important part to Kirkland’s future growth. My age, well a true lady never shares that information.

Donna Ward, Kirkland