Adding density to Houghton is ridiculous | Letter

As a 30-plus-year resident of Kirkland, I want to voice my concern on the density option that has been included in the Houghton zoning.

That option is completely off the charts ridiculous in my opinion. The area is currently in a growth period that has already caused great problems with traffic and adding unlimited density to this area is crazy talk. I fail to understand how this is going to improve the quality of life here. Can you show me how unlimited density will make this area better?

The current growth in **Kirkland?** Downtown Urban has not even started to show the true impact of what is coming and even considering throwing more wood on the fire is just nuts. Please focus on fixing the traffic issues already created before compounding the problems. The Cross Kirkland Corridor needs to remain a trail and not a bus route. That land will never be replaced with something better and if you live on that trail can you imagine having it turned into a bus line? The impacts of most of what has been proposed is really not going to benefit anyone, unless you are collecting taxes, I guess. I vote NO on more density and NO on changing the trail to a transit line. Both very bad ideas !

Jeff Ridley,
