Don’t base your ST3 decision on whether you will be able to ride it | Letter

It has been disturbing to read voter's opinions that they will not vote for ST3, because the routes chosen will not directly benefit them.

It has been disturbing to read voter’s opinions that they will not vote for ST3, because the routes chosen will not directly benefit them. Please, just look to the Constitution’s preamble…

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union…promote the general welfare…”

It doesn’t say promote our own welfare, or promote the welfare of a smaller group. It says promote the general welfare. We all work together to benefit the community. Our time will come, but we cannot stop working to improve the community’s welfare because we don’t see direct benefit today.

People talk about the price tag, but unless we raise all the money needed now (and people are already screaming about the price tag), someone is going to not get as much benefit as someone else.

Let’s show the Puget Sound that we are the better people we all want to be, that we strive to be, and that people look to us to be.

Please, when making your decision on ST3 make it about improving our traffic issues in the Puget Sound and not about your direct benefit from the package.

Thank you.

David Pelton, Kirkland