Call your representatives, let them know your thoughts on ACA replacement | Letter

John Barnett’s warning about the new health care bill, the American Health Care Act, will hurt millions of people in addition to seniors. (‘Healthcare bill would drive up costs for older Americans’ by John Barnett, the Kirkland Reporter, March 15, 2017) Up to 24 million Americans would lose their health care in the near future.

Mr. Barnett’s suggestion that we contact our members of Congress is a good idea. The Congressional Management Foundation recently reported after a 12-year study that constituent voices are the most influential factor when it comes to our elected representatives making decisions. So take a few minutes to call, write, or even visit your member of Congress and ask them to vote against this bill that will hurt millions of Americans. Even if the representative or senator is already against it, our voices give them extra power to fight against this legislation.

Willie Dickerson, Snohomish